Apartment Living

9 Hard-To-Kill Houseplants to Liven Up Your New Pad

Houseplants add colour and life to your living spaces and they can even freshen the air – but what should you choose if you’re not a natural gardener? Whether it’s your first time growing indoor plants or you have a grim track record of murdering houseplants, here are our favourites for a lush living space when you’re apartment living in Sydney.

Jade plant

Succulents are the absolute go-to for easy care houseplants. Crassula ovata, known as the jade plant or money plant, has cheerful chunky leaves that store water by nature. They love bright light, including direct light, and only need watering when the soil is almost dry to the touch. Perfect for the living room or even the balcony.

String of pearls

This trailing succulent looks gorgeous hanging in a bathroom or dripping over a bookshelf edge with its long stems and pearl-like blobs. These plants favour the shade and they love drying out between watering. Just keep them out of reach of kids or pets, as they can be mildly toxic if ingested.

Devil’s Ivy

Epipremnum aureum, known as Golden Pothos or Devil’s Ivy, is considered a weed in some areas so it’s safe to say that it’s almost invincible as a houseplant. The vines thrive on bright light and once again, you can simply water them when the soil feels dry. Devil’s Ivy has lovely trailing vines and you can propagate from cuttings – so you can grow a whole family of them if you like!

Monstera deliciosa

Who doesn’t love a monstera? Their big glossy leaves give an instant tropical vibe to your living spaces, and they grow fast. They’re easy to propagate and to prune. Be sure to give them space to grow in their pot, in a well-lit location. They like humidity so can be great in bathrooms, and will typically do well with a weekly watering. 


Look, cacti thrive on neglect – they survive in literal deserts after all! So if you’re the type to forget watering for months on end, then the cactus is for you. Let the soil dry out completely between giving it a good occasional soak, and cut back watering even more in winter when the plants go dormant. Happy and mature cacti may even reward you with a bright flower or two. 

Spider plant

You’ve almost certainly seen chlorophytum comosum before. The spider plant is incredibly popular, thanks to its long ribbon-like leaves that make it ideal for hanging containers or pots. It propagates its own little baby plants from its long stems, and is also non-toxic to pets. Keep it in bright but indirect sunlight to keep it happy, and keep its soil slightly moist. 


Aloe vera makes for a pretty little houseplant and it’s also a handy plant to have around for any sunburn, cuts or burns. Aloe vera thrives on neglect, so be sure to let its soil dry out in between watering. It loves the sun as long as it’s not too hot, and will purify the air to boot. 

If you’re moving into LIV’s build to rent apartments you’re always welcome to hang plants, artwork and photos in your living space – we can even help you install hooks and nails. You might like to find out more about LIV communities and the flexibilities they offer.


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